The Bridge Inn

The Bridge Inn is at the heart of Wimplebridge

Many of the village events are organised at the “Bridge” and John and Jackie work hard to make sure there is something for everyone to take part in.

Saturday night is live music night at the Bridge. Come and enjoy a great meal cooked by our chief Jackie and her dedicated team in the kitchen, stay for an extra beer or two and let your hair down with one of local live bands.


Remember, Remember, the 5th of November. 
The evening was a great success and the Guy, made by the 1st Wimplebridge cubs looked fantastic on top of the fire.

The string of bird scaring bangers which the dummy wore under his cloths made a few of the older village residents jump when they went off. We have had a word with the culprit and he promises won’t do it again next year.

Poor old Colonel Barker was convinced the Germans were coming to get him and it took several large brandies for him to regain his equilibrium. All this was quite odd because his military career started in 1953, well after the end of the war, and the closest he came to any fighting was when he stepped on another soldier’s toe one night at the local playhouse.

Wimplebridge is odd in so much as the night is not done to raise money for a cause, it’s just a community event where everyone chips in and has a good time. Belcher Timber supplies, established when God was still a boy, gave plenty of wood for the fire and their farm even supplied a pig for the hog roast.

All in all it was another lovely night in the village and everyone went home full of pulled pork and apple sauce with all their fingers and toes in one bit.

Monday 12th June –  And the winner of guess the weight of Princess the pig is…..

Alison Fleming, mobile hair and beauty treatments

The winner of this year’s guess the weight of the pig competition is Alison Fleming. Alison guessed 71 Lbs (72.2 Kg) and wins a meat parcel when Princess is sent to slaughter later in the summer.

Alison said she was very pleased to win, she had always had a good eye for weights but she was not sure what she would do with the winnings as she is a committed vegetarian.

The second prize, a dozen bottles of real ale, went to the Hiscox family who were only 2 pounds out at 73 Lbs

Alison asked us to remind our readers that she is available for hairdressing in your own home, make over sessions and beauty treatments. She can be contacted on 07712564765


Sunday 28th of May is Guess the weight of the pig day!

Princess – this year’s star in guess the weight of the pig

As usual we are indebted to the Belcher family for donation this year’s piglet for us to guess the weight. I’m told that she is not the fattest not the thinnest in its litter and her name is Princess.

Princess is an outdoor pig and lives in an Arc at the Belcher farm. She was born at the beginning of March and is growing well. She has benefited from the warm weather so far this year and will be ready to kill at around six and a half months old.

If your interested you can try this, but not before you have guessed the weight.

  1. Measure the length of the pig from ears to base of tail in inches
  2. Measure the girth behind the front legs in inches
  3. Multiply girth x girth x length and divide by 880 to get the weight in kg or 400 to get the weight in lbs.

The winner will get a parcel of Princess when she goes for slaughter in a couple of months.

The next thing on our schedule is an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday April 16th all around the village.

Winners of last years Easter Egg hunt

Amanda  Hargreaves and daughter Emma were the winners of last years event with seventeen eggs. It took mum and daughter more than a month to eat them all and Amanda says that she hasn’t wanted to look at chocolate since.

See if you can beat her this year.

Check back to our web-page soon for more details

Pancake day was flipping marvelous!

The whole pub was full of tossers on Shove Tuesday and a great time was had by all. Here are a few photos from the day.

St Valentines night at the Bridge Inn was a great success

A great time was had by the couples who enjoyed their romantic dinner on Tuesday evening. Chief Jackie really did us proud. [huge_it_slider id=”2″]