Whats going on with this weather

What’s going on with this weather, It’s the middle of November and I saw a butterfly today. You might not be able to see it clearly but this Painted lady (I think) was busy around the ivy which is in bloom right now. Surly it should be too cold for butterflies this late in the year.

I guess it’s getting warmer later and later, there must be a term for when there is this sort of change in the climate, I wonder what it is?

Clement and I went for a walk over Monk Hill this morning. It was windy on the top but the sunshine made it nice. We saw this mushroom but I can’t give it a name.

Mushrooms, of course, are normally found in dark moist places and it’s well known that they thrive on a diet of manure. This one seems to have made a break for freedom and is doing very well, bathed in sunlight in the middle of a grass field.

In other news.

I’ve given in to popular demand and written a book about the comings and goings of Wimplebridge Village. It’s a murder fuelled romp through an English country village and bound to be a best selling classic.

If you fill in these two fields I’ll let you know when I’m ready to publish. I guess it will be early in the new year but don’t worry, you’ll be one of the first to know.